#MicroblogMonday – this and that

I remembered and forgot about #MM last week. I dislike it when I do that.

Mr Siili had his birthday a week ago Sunday. He’s old. Well, at least older than me (by two years).

Paxlet turned 3 yesterday! My goodness time flies. He had friends over on Saturday and family yesterday.
A friend made his cake. I’m totally impressed. I think Paxlet was too.


I’ve recently sewn two crowns. They are quick and easy (enough). I am going to try to get two more done this week: one for a friend’s birthday and the other for a friend’s daughter’s first birthday.

I also made this for Tadbit.

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My hair has lost most of its midnight blue colour. There are several factors at play why it didn’t stay put so well. 1. I didn’t bleach my hair first. 2. My hair is too healthy. 3. The dye was over 10 years old. I’m telling myself that if i can find more hair dye locally, that I’ll bleach my hair and dye it again, properly.

Paxlet starts Temppukoulu (trick/stunt courses/classes) tomorrow. I hope he likes it.

Tadbit and I start Mummy&Me exercise classes on Thursday. I hope it helps my back and neck, which is what the class focuses on.

I went to the chiropractor today. Parts of my spine feel great other parts hurt worse. But I know it will be better in another day or so. Also see above.

This Thursday evening is a girl’s night out! I’m very much looking forward to seeing my girl friends. Tadbit will be joining us, as I don’t think Mr Siili would be up to the task of getting two kids to bed on his own. Especially after last night when we/I learned that Tadbit loudly and vehemently refused a bottle. Of my own breast milk no less!

And how could I almost forget last Friday’s crisis. I locked my keys and wallet in my car, at the store. I just so happened to put my phone in my pants pocket while in the store. I rarely do that. I called Mr Siili and he picked up Paxlet from daycare. My friend J used our spare house key to find my spare car key (thankfully it was where I remembered it) and brought it to me. Sometimes it’s not all the friends you have, but the one that is there for you. I am so thankful for my friend.

MicroblogMonday For more microposts, go visit Mel’s post at Stirrup Queens.

37 weeks +1 day, #2

Last Thursday after I published the 36 week update, Mr Siili and I watched a TV show or two. One of them, Kroll Show, was new to both of us. After about 5-10 minutes of this show, I was telling Mr Siili how stupid it was and that it was going to make me cry. He laughed and we kept watching it…until I reiterated the same sentiments and really actually started crying in earnest. And then I started cry-laughing because I was crying over something so stupid. Mr Siili thankfully turned it off at that point. Talk about weird emotions and reactions that can only be because of pregnancy hormones!

In the two weeks since I last saw my midwife, my weight has gone up 1,4 kg (3 lbs). My weight gain this time around is still roughly compared to last time: a total of 18,1 kgs (39,8 lbs) so far. Seeing the the number in pounds makes it feel like SO much weight gain, which it is, but I honestly don’t think I look  like I’ve gained that much. It’s either all proportionately distributed or the weight has mostly gone to tummy and face.

I ordered some purple harram pants from a Groupon deal a bit ago and they arrived today. They are cute and comfy, even at this stage (yes!), however they will most likely be indoor only pants, once I’ve given birth. I have “stooped” to wearing sweat pants in public, I might even wear these out in public too. But once I can fit into my mat jeans and other pants, that’s what I’ll do.
(I write stooped, because I just don’t wear sweatpants in public. It feels too weird to me.)

No new stretch marks still.

I’ve had a few nights where I couldn’t get back to sleep for a while after Paxlet woke me or I’ve needed to pee. One night (early morning?) I was kept awake trying to remember the name of a guy that had a crush on me, 20 years ago. I think his name is/was Gabe. I really can’t complain too much in the sleep department, especially since I have the possibility to go back to sleep or take a nap while Paxlet is at daycare.

I honestly don’t remember Paxlet kicking and poking me this painfully! Tadbit truly loves poking out my right side with her bum. OMG She hurts me! It’s still mostly in the evenings when she does her painful movements. Sometimes she wiggles and pokes so much that I start to feel a bit physically ill.

My only cravings as such are still junk foods. And no true aversions to anything.

I’ve got to talk about it: hemorrhoids. Ugh! I had some with Paxlet, but never that bad. This time is worse and in the last day or so they have gotten irritated. I need to go to the pharmacy to ask about some cream, but I just haven’t gotten there yet. I also keep forgetting to ask my midwife if there is anything I can do about them. Maybe this next week when I see here again on Friday.

Other pregnancy symptoms are breathlessness, some swelling in fingers and ankles/calves (I decided to take ALL rings off this morning as the two that never come off were feeling a bit tight during the night), achy hips, being extremely warm/hot (I’ve only been using one blanket most of the winter and that is unheard of for me) and whatever else comes with pregnancy.

I miss being able to move around normally (this bump really gets in the way), walking (without waddling or getting breathless), bending over, cleaning (not so much) without being in pain afterward. It truly is a chore to walk up our stairs.

I can’t wait for Outlander, the 2nd half of season 1, to start again on my due date. Who will arrive first: the TV show or Tadbit? I’m also getting more excited to see Paxlet meet his little sister and see how he interacts with her. Right now it is so cute when he gives my bump a kiss at night.

We’ve had sunny weather the last few days! That makes me feel so light and giddy. They days are getting longer (sunrise 6:50 am, sun set 6:20 pm, but not dark until 7 pm-ish), the temperatures are fluctuating more wildly (-5C at night and +5 to +10C during the day) and the snow is melting!! I know it can and most likely will snow again, but these signs of spring right now are so wonderful!

I’ve seen anywhere from 37 to 39 weeks be considered full term. I think here in Finland is 38 weeks. In any case, we’re almost there!! I think Tadbit is going to be a bit stubborn like her brother (and mom).

Two of my teeth are a bit sensitive to cold and are a bit achy when I chew. One on each side. I probably should call the dentist, but…
I woke up with the start of a cold sore this morning. I haven’t had one in ages!!
I have a bit of a rash, eczema-like, on the inside of my thighs. It’s right where they touch each other the most. I think this rash came about because of how hot and sweaty I get some nights. It isn’t itchy or anything, just annoying.
Even though I went to the chiropractor on Monday, my neck has decided to not cooperate and is stuck and sore again. I think this will just be something I have to deal with until Tadbit is here.

I had a neuvola appointment on Wednesday, with the midwife and doctor. Everything looks normal and good. My blood pressure was a bit higher than normal for me (the top number), but it isn’t so high that there is any concern. My cervix is soft (softer than previously? I have no clue) and shorter. I was sure the doctor told me my cervix was closed, but when I looked at my notes it says 1,5 cm. The doctor did a very quick ultrasound check to make sure Tadbit is head down, which she is. However, she was so quick that she had the machine off before I could even ask to see the monitor also! I most likely won’t see the doctor anymore until after Tadbit is born. I’ll only have midwife appointments. The next one is next week’s Friday.


I’ve now been swimming 3 times so far and I’d still like to live in the pool for the next couple of weeks. I also bought a 10 time card today; it would be Murphy’s law if I were to go into labor before I could use even one time of it next week.

I’ve got my hospital bag mostly packed. I still need to do something for Tadbit and Paxlet. We have no idea where Paxlet will go, if anywhere, yet, but I think it will be best if we at least have a bag of clothes and stuff ready for him.

I mentioned back at 29 weeks about emailing a local doula group. Well, I did email them and for the longest time one lady replied saying that she just wanted to say hi, but that she most likely wouldn’t be around Easter weekend (if Tadbit so happened to arrive on time) and that her husband’s work schedule basically made it impossible for her to be a doula to me. I had basically given up on the idea of a doula, but just over a week ago, someone else emailed me. We’re meeting on Monday to see if we are a match and if she could be of help to me (and Mr Siili) during labor. I’ll update more once I talk with the doula.

Mr Siili and I had sex for the first time this year. This is also much later in pregnancy that we ever DTD with Paxlet. I noticed for the rest of the day that I had many more tightenings and uncomfortable Braxton hicks. Hmm, there may be something to this sex business and getting the baby out.

I thought to drink some Raspberry Leaf Tea (not just raspberry fruit tea) to help with labor when it does start, but now I’m not so sure. My midwife had nothing to say about it, as it is an “alternative path medicine” and she doesn’t know anything about it. Although she did say it couldn’t hurt. However, upon reading about it a bit more, it says a women shouldn’t drink this tea if a previous labor was 3 hours or less start to finish (that was Paxlet) and if you have endometriosis (I do), among other things. Now I’m not so sure if I should drink it or not.

I’ve been noticing the last week or so that I am definitely having my share of BH and bump discomfort. This isn’t necessarily new, but what is new is my attitude towards them, most of the time. I think it mostly has to do with the fact that if Tadbit arrives now, she should be just fine. And so, I am finding that I mostly carry on with what ever it is that needs to be done without worry about could it send me into labor. I am at the end of my pregnancy and there is no way around the discomfort and labor to come. It will happen and it is not a bad thing to happen anymore. So, if the pain is really bad, I’ll stop for that instant, but will generally continue on what I was doing. However, I do play up the pain and discomfort a bit for Mr Siili. 😀 It doesn’t get me too much extra sympathy.

#MicroblogMonday – Birthday, thoughts & shopping

Happy Birthday to my mom. She would have been 57 years old today.


I went swimming for the first time in ages last week. Let’s just say I want to live in the pool for the next few weeks.


I went to the chiropractor today. The first time I’ve been there in almost a year. The second time I’ve gone when pregnant, but this time I was much further along, so no way I could lay on my tummy. He was still able to treat my neck and most of my back. My neck feels better, but I don’t think it will stay “better”. My back is feeling pretty good at the moment, however it wasn’t that bad when I went in. I hope swimming tomorrow helps all bits involved.

After the chiropractor, as I was going to get in my car, my mind was miles away in my own thoughts. I banged my forehead into a sign. I had a major headache for at least an hour and now I am left with a “pretty” wound.


I found a 5€ bill on the ground on my way to the chiropractor. Then I spent way too much time and money at a clothing store and 2 flea markets today. I bought myself some clothes, Paxlet some pajamas, shorts, a book, stickers and some baby clothes. My goodness, I had almost forgotten how cute baby clothes are!


All in all, it’s been a decent and SUNNY day so far. Time for me to go get Paxlet from daycare. What should we have for dinner?

MicroblogMonday For more microposts, go visit Mel’s post at Stirrup Queens.

Love affair

I love my chiropractor! No, not in that way. I love him as the man who can make my back feel amazing after an adjustment and like I’m walking on air after I leave his office. When I tell him my back or neck hurts in a specific way or place, he listens to me, I mean really listens to me. For me, that makes a huge difference in how my back and neck feel.

Let’s call him Dr Snap Crackle Pop, or rather Dr FeelGood for short(er). I’ve been going to Dr FeelGood for 14,5 years, that’s longer than I’ve lived in Finland! You see, before I officially moved to Finland, I was here for 3 months trying to find a job and during that time my back was hurting. So, Mr Siili and I went to a phone booth*, looked up chiropractor in the yellow pages and started at the top of the list. Dr FeelGood was the first one we call. He spoke English and the rest is history.

All that intro is to say that my back (and neck, for other reasons) has been hurting lately and I am going to see Dr FeelGood on Monday. It’s not uncommon for me to have back (and neck) pains, but this has been a bit different. This pinched sciatic pain has been constant for over a week now. With each step I take, I feel the pain. While sitting down, I feel an ache. While laying down to go to sleep or when I’ve been woken up in the middle of the night, I feel pain. (Thankfully it doesn’t wake me up.) Trying to carry Paxlet, you got it, I feel pain.

I went to my work doctor** this week to have him check out my back and see if there was anything he could rule out or recommend. This doctor went through all my joint movements, reflexes, range of motions, pushing/resisting his hands and everything with my body seems to be in working order. That’s the good bit, there doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with my body. The bad bit is that I am still in pain and a nerve is pinched somewhere in there. This doctor suggested some physical therapy or trying out a chiropractor. That is when I mentioned my relationship with Dr Feelgood. The work doctor said that since I have such a long standing relationship with the Dr FeelGood to try that first. Since I have 2 visits left from my last referral (if I get a referral from the doctor, my work insurance reimburses 80% of the bill), I’ll use those and then let the work doctor know how I feel. If it helps, great! I’ll probably be able to get more referrals when needed. If it doesn’t help, we’ll try something else to try and get my back to feel better. I don’t really care what makes my back feel better, but I just want to stop hurting and soon.

My goodness, I’m so looking forward to my little love affair on Monday!!!

*Mobile phones existed here, quite prolifically for 1998, in the land of Nokia, but Mr Siili didn’t have one. In fact, I got a huge ol’ clonker of a Nokia phone before Mr Siili ever got a mobile phone.

** Actually, it was physiotherapist that I had not had the pleasure to meet before, but it was still through work. So no cost to me for going in to see him.

Pregnancy brain

No, not pregnancy on the brain, but pregnancy brain! I try not to blame many things on hormones (like PMS) as much as I can, but really, sometimes things are just too coincidental and funny to not be blamed on hormones.

Last night I was so tired that I had already crawled into bed and completely forgotten about Paxlet pictures by the time Mr Siili got home. So, the pictures weren’t taken until this evening and they are now ready to be viewed.

Today at work a lady started chatting with me asking me questions about a banking issue for the unit I work with. I replied to her and asked a few questions of my own. And then I remembered that during our morning coffee break we (with our entire group, but instigated by her) had talked about earthquakes, how they are measured and what is the difference between Richter and magnitude. So I quickly Googled it and started copying and pasting some of the more interesting parts of the page I found. She ignored this bit of chat and continued to ask a couple of things about her issue and then said she’d get back to me after lunch.

It was only a couple of hours later, when I realized that the person who had started chatting with me was Niina something-hill (not our team) and not Nina somethingdifferent-hill (our team). I had been rambling on about a subject to someone who had no clue what I was talking about! And she didn’t even say anything. Although, to find out later, she hadn’t even read those bits until I mentioned my goof up to her, as she was so focused on her issue. She said I’m not the only one who has done this. Man, I was so embarrassed, but I still told Nina from our team what I had done. I could hear her laughing across the room and she told me I had good reason to have lapses in my thinking. This isn’t the first time I’ve done this since being pregnant, although the other time was with 2 different Heidi’s.

I have my chiropractor appointment tomorrow at 16:30. I’m so freakin’ excited! Mr Siili helped me find the chiro (from the phone book and the first one on the list) just over 13 years ago when I was visiting here for 3 months. The guy spoke great English, listens to me when I say something doesn’t feel quite right after an adjustment and takes a second look and understands my owl-like (or some even say exorcist) neck. I’ve only ever gone to one other chiropractor here in Finland and I left there in worse pain than when I had gone in. I hope to not have to look for a new one for many years to come. 
Through pictures on the desk, I’ve watched my chiropractor’s two boys grow from itty bitty babies to the young boy and almost teen that they are now. I’m kind of excited to be able to finally go to him and be pregnant myself. Someone who has “known” me my entire Finnish existence and he gets to see another side of me. I’m also excited to see how chiro treatments are different, if at all, now that I’m pregnant and can’t really comfortably lay on my tummy.
But the greatest thing is, I know my neck and lower back will feel much better after the treatment. I love my chiro!
A couple of pictures that I just couldn’t resist sharing to end this post.